Saturday, September 12, 2009

Work in Progress

That's what I am these days, a work in progress. I keep thinking "baby steps, baby steps". I'm doing better than I once was but am far from where I want to be. I'm concerned that maybe I'm not on the best medicine and that to increase what I'm on isn't what's needed and may even make things worse. And, of course, with every change that gets made, it's "o.k., let's try this for 4 weeks and see how things go." Very, very slow, difficult process.

Mornings are awful, gets better in the afternoons and by the time I go to bed, it's bearable. Good grief. I HATE depression!!

Well, I consider this post a "baby step". I began going on Facebook again a few weeks ago, first just looking then posting a status or two. And now, I've gotten back on here for the first time in weeks. One thing that I keep thinking to myself is that scripture in Philippians where it says to be anxious for nothing but in everything through prayer and supplication with thanksgiving (that's the hard part in times like these) let your requests be made known to God... Honestly, there are some days that I haven't been able to do even that but on the days that I am able to, I do give thanks for what I've been blessed with and just pour my heart out to Him about the rest. And just keep on waiting.