I'm trying anything and everything to try to find more of a sense of self lately. I recently bought a copy of the latest "Where Women Create" magazine, which is like the balm of gilead to my bruised soul and went online to read some of the creative, inspiring women's blogs/websites. This got me to thinking that I'd give blogging a go again for a while.
Before, I was so self conscious and was also going through some pretty wierd times, medication-wise. I'm afraid I went a little bonkers and left the real world for a while and lived in blog-land. This did not go over very well with hubby and, eventually, I came back "to" and left blogging behind.
I'm hoping that I can keep it all in perspective this time and that maybe blogging will help me on my journey to find myself again. Between mid-life changes (yes, the big M has hit me and I'm struggling with all kinds of new-found wierd things that my body has decided to do, will write about all that in a later post - wheee, can't wait, huh?), my dad's declining health and being in the bizarre role of complete decision maker and care-taker for him (oh so sad and so many emotions) AND having my wonderful, but, ADULT, kids move back home, I'm so out of touch with the Denise of old, that it's really kind of scary.
So, I'm back for a bit, and I'm going to pretend that there areall these lovely, lovely, women out there, struggling with similar things, or maybe not even struggling at all, that will be let me vent to them, and maybe even share some of their own stories. Because without my friends in real life, sharing their ups and downs, I know my journey would be much more difficult.
And now - I must put on my "game face" for it is Super Bowl Sunday and my adorable husband deserves a showered, cheerful, wife with which to watch the one game a year that I share with him :). Ciao.
Welcome back to blog land! :) And thanks for the congrats and encouragement... Sometime those dreams feel sooooo far away! My goodness you've had some major changes lately, bless you for having such a kind and open heart (AND home! Haha!) :) Take care!