I really hope that I'm taking too high a dose of thyroid medication. "Why?", you ask? BeCAUSE, I feel pretty hyper right now, I'm so awake, and it's 12:22 a.m.! Lord, please don't let hubby wake up, walk down that hall and see that not only am I still awake, but...on my laptap!!!! The look he would give me would be awful, as if I don't feel awful enough as it is, right?
I had to go in for a follow-up thyroid appt. last week and got bloodwork done. When I got home today, I saw a little post-it stuck on the oven door saying "call dr. re blood test results". I'll call tomorrow, and please, please, let the medication be too high of a dosage, thereby explaining my wierd hyperness and irritability lately. hhhmmmmm, just figured out ~ if everything's o.k. with medicine, everyone now knows that I'm just an irritable nervous wreck! ha ha!
I really need my rest since tomorrow little sister, K, and I are tackling my dad's dining room. Since moving into this house two years ago, very little, if anything has been gone through, hence dining room table, buffet, china cabinet are squeezed in with an old computer desk, boxes of old '45's, erector sets, piles of old travel magazines, childhood furniture and innumerable other objects. We're taking the kiddos over to my 20 yr. old daughter, C's, brand new apartment where they'll play games, swim in the pool, eat pizza and watch movies and we can get some work done.
Sigh. I really need to get off of here and see if I can find something on the news other than the latest on Michael Jackson's death. Maybe I can find something on insomnia.
Monday, June 29, 2009
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Getting ready for sister~ bittersweet
My sister, K, is coming in today! She left Dalton, Georgia yesterday morning with her two boys, W, 13, and S, 10, in their Toyota Four Runner, spent the night in Slidell, LA, and will be here around 2:00!! I saw K in January but haven't seen those precious boys since last summer. I absolutely adore them. K is 6 years younger than me and we're very close. We joke that when we're together we've finally got an entire brain. You know how it is, the older you get and the more crowded your head gets with all kinds of useless minutae, and you've got so much crap on your mind, that the simplest of tasks becomes a behemoth (what a funny word) undertaking? Well, when K and I are together, our brains complement each other and we function like a well oiled machine, getting stuff done left and right! Not only that, but when we DO mess up, who the heck cares?
So, that's the getting ready for sister part. Now here's the bittersweet part. Our mom's gone. She passed away two years ago suddenly, well sort of suddenly. She had been diagnosed with leukemia, was doing pretty well on the chemo but unbeknownst to us, had developed an infection as a byproduce of the chemo and by the time we knew something was wrong, it was too late and she died less than 24 hrs. later.
Mom lived here in Houston, same as me. So when K and the boys would come in, it was the three of us, together, with the kids, all the time. It was heavenly. A true idyll. Hubby just knew he would kind of "lose" me for a week to 10 days while we all made the most out of being together. We'd take the kids on all kinds of neat excursions around town, we'd shop at "cutesy-wutesy" shops, have pajama parties, go out to eat, and, most of all, just talk and laugh and talk and laugh.
This visit will be the easiest yet, since her death, with the first years' visit being practically agonizing and last years' visit only marginally better. I say it will be easier and yet just saying that makes me sick. How can I say anything related to not having my mom anymore and the word "easier" in the same sentence? It's wierd, but in some ways you don't want it to be easier cuz that means that you're getting more used to it and who in the hell wants to get used to not having their mom or dad anymore?
In another way, though, this visit will be more difficult because K and I will be going through a lot of stuff over at Dad's house and will begin the first, tentative, conversations about assisted living of some sort. And boy, is that ever yukky. We're lucky in that Dad has handled his increasing physical limitations with dignity and doesn't pretend that they're not there. It's just heartbreaking, though, to see your dad, your DADDY, for goodness sakes, not only needing your help but also to see the sadness in his eyes that it has come to this. It just sucks. That's all there is to it.
I'm very thankful that I believe in God and I do believe that I'll see Mom again one day, I really do. Without that hope, these last two years would have been unbearable. So, while there will be many sad moments over the next 10 days, what I'll be focusing on is how very blessed I've been to have had my dear sweet mother as long as I did, that I've been able to come to know my dad on so much deeper of a level, that I'll get to be with my awesome nephews, and last, but not least...to be a complete person for the first time since I was last with my sister!!!!
So, that's the getting ready for sister part. Now here's the bittersweet part. Our mom's gone. She passed away two years ago suddenly, well sort of suddenly. She had been diagnosed with leukemia, was doing pretty well on the chemo but unbeknownst to us, had developed an infection as a byproduce of the chemo and by the time we knew something was wrong, it was too late and she died less than 24 hrs. later.
Mom lived here in Houston, same as me. So when K and the boys would come in, it was the three of us, together, with the kids, all the time. It was heavenly. A true idyll. Hubby just knew he would kind of "lose" me for a week to 10 days while we all made the most out of being together. We'd take the kids on all kinds of neat excursions around town, we'd shop at "cutesy-wutesy" shops, have pajama parties, go out to eat, and, most of all, just talk and laugh and talk and laugh.
This visit will be the easiest yet, since her death, with the first years' visit being practically agonizing and last years' visit only marginally better. I say it will be easier and yet just saying that makes me sick. How can I say anything related to not having my mom anymore and the word "easier" in the same sentence? It's wierd, but in some ways you don't want it to be easier cuz that means that you're getting more used to it and who in the hell wants to get used to not having their mom or dad anymore?
In another way, though, this visit will be more difficult because K and I will be going through a lot of stuff over at Dad's house and will begin the first, tentative, conversations about assisted living of some sort. And boy, is that ever yukky. We're lucky in that Dad has handled his increasing physical limitations with dignity and doesn't pretend that they're not there. It's just heartbreaking, though, to see your dad, your DADDY, for goodness sakes, not only needing your help but also to see the sadness in his eyes that it has come to this. It just sucks. That's all there is to it.
I'm very thankful that I believe in God and I do believe that I'll see Mom again one day, I really do. Without that hope, these last two years would have been unbearable. So, while there will be many sad moments over the next 10 days, what I'll be focusing on is how very blessed I've been to have had my dear sweet mother as long as I did, that I've been able to come to know my dad on so much deeper of a level, that I'll get to be with my awesome nephews, and last, but not least...to be a complete person for the first time since I was last with my sister!!!!
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
enough warm and fuzzies
O.K., back to reality with a resounding thud. The only bad part about taking a trip right after school's end is that you never get to feel that lazy, got the whole summer in front of you feeling cuz you've got lists and packing and errands. Unfortunately, we're now back and it's fast and furious on to the next event, which is my sister coming in from Georgia with her two boys. I am ECSTATIC about seeing them and can't wait to spend so much time with them. I just wish I was where I need to be right now as far as organization, errand-running, dr. appt. going, bill paying, house cleaning, etc. goes. You know where I'm coming from, right? We got back Sat. night and Sunday was not only Father's Day but hubby's b-day as well. Soooooo, it wasn't exactly do whatever I want day, now was it? Then yesterday was another vacation day for hubby which turned out great because we spent the day out together shopping for a couple of things for his b-day, had a really nice lunch out, and so on. HowEVER, you got it ~ yet another day where I not only didn't do what I want, but couldn't do what I needed to do which was to begin to instill some kind of order into this post-vacation house. Sooooooo, now it's Tues. morning, he's working, and I can now get down to business and make some serious progress, right? Well, not quite. M's 3rd shot in her gardisil series is at 10:00 at Memorial City Prof. bldg., J's prescription needs to be picked up at dr.'s ofc in Sugarland, and I have got to get back in to see Dr. Joe, my wonderful chiropractor. I know, I could be doing something productive instead of griping about all of this, right? Well, my hope is this: that after getting these frustrations out there for the whole entire world to see (yeah, right ~ my own family doesn't want to hear it, why in the world would some poor person who doesn't have to listen to me, read this? well, that's the beauty of blogging ~ you can convince your poor demented mind that someone, somewhere, is not only reading your whiny little thoughts but is actually paying attention and...empathizing!!) that I'll feel more empowered, more relieved of irritation, and more ready to make progress, which at this stage of the game would make this little old blogger so much happier. I'm also going to do little "breath" prayers today. I think I'll pray "God, please help me to do your will today and remove this anxiety from me." There. I'm going to write this down on a post-it, stick it in my purse pocket and try to say it at least 20 times today. I need to get my focus off of me, that's for sure. Must go now and maybe, God willing, I'll be better later on today whether I get what I think I need to get done or not. I'll letcha know!
Monday, June 22, 2009
Returned and Rejuvenated
The Ranch was awesome and we all returned feeling so relaxed and rejuvenated. What I love about trips like this where you have lots of down time, is that you can sort of "retrieve" some of those feelings when you need them, during high stress times. I can just close my eyes and visualize that I'm laying on a float, feeling the spring-fed pond water lap over me while gazing up at the most beautiful blue sky framed by those beautiful Texas hills. We swam, snorkled, jumped off cliffs (well, some of us did, not moi), hiked, cooked, laughed, ate, and just generally had a wonderful time.
It was absolutely wonderful spending so much time with grandaughter, S. Five whole days!! I still feel wierd saying "my grandaughter" ~ I wonder when I'll get more used to it. I'm certainly used to the love that I feel for her. As with everything else in life, until you experience it, you just consider what other people say about it as so cliched. So, when I would hear other people talk about their grandchildren and how special the relationship was between them, my eyes would just kind of glaze over and I'd go "yeah, yeah, whatever". Well...now it's me doing the crowing and when I see a glaze come over someone else's eyes, I just think "Oh, just you wait and see!".
One of my all-time favorite things that I got to do on this trip? Well, I like to get up a little earlier than most everyone else, creep quietly out to the kitchen and pour myself a cup of coffee. Then I creep quietly back to bed, and nestling in the still-warm spot, open my current book and try to contain my giddyness as I begin this oh-so indulgent ritual, carefully taking my first sip of hot, delicious coffee. Aahhhhhhhhh. Bliss!
It was sad to leave because one more day would've been perfect but since Sunday was Father's Day and J's birthday, we really didn't want to be driving on that day. Monday seemed to be too long so Saturday it was. Hopefully, it won't be another two years before we get to go again!
Monday, June 15, 2009
I just can't wait to get on the road again!!
Getting ready to head out tomorrow to the heart of the Texas Hill Country. Our friend's family have owned a true working ranch about 100 miles west of San Antonio since the 1950s. It is one of the most beautiful places on earth and I can't wait to go.
The first time that I went to the ranch was in 1978 (gasp!) while at college in San Marcos. Being young and stupid, my future husband, J, our friend, R, whose family's ranch it is, another friend and I decided after a night of partying, around 1:00 a.m. to head out to the ranch. Smart, huh? Anyway, I'll never forget how gracious R's parents were about being woken up by 4 goofy, slightly bleary eyed teenagers at 3:30 a.m. They got up, visited with us a while and then after about 30 minutes, the 4 of us crashed while they sat up fully awake. We awoke to the most wonderful morning smell in the world ~ bacon and coffee. Mrs. L. cooked for us all weekend, we swam in the river, oohed and ahhhed at the gorgeous scenery, and left 2 days later rejuvenated and ready for more partying, um, I mean classes and studying. (In our defense, our university, Southwest Texas State, now known as Texas State, was known as the premier partying school in Texas so we were just trying to keep up the image.)
Over the years, as young marrieds, as young parents with our babies, and now as young(ish)grandparents, we have visited the ranch more times than I can count. We've been so blessed to have this sanctuary as part of our and our children's lives. The moment you round the last curve in the rocky one lane "road", cross the shallow river, and see the lovely sprawling stone home on the rise, you just take a deep breath and say "aahhhhhh".
Sadly, Mrs. L. passed away about 4 years ago and Mr. L. retired to Oregon where his two sons live. With Mrs. L. gone, there are no longer flowers growing in the front courtyard or out on the large deck, and many of her beautiful things have been moved by the family to Oregon. That part is very sad to me; she was the epitome of a gracious hostess. That being said, you still feel her presence so much the minute you walk into the ranch house and I know that she would be SO pleased that her legacy of nurturing guests and providing indelible memories lives on!
The ranch is way off the beaten path, no internet service, no cell phone service (aaauuuugggghhhhhh!) so I'll be "unplugged" for a while. I am, however, looking forward to posting pictures and sharing new memories when we do return! Oh, by the way, I love summer :D
The first time that I went to the ranch was in 1978 (gasp!) while at college in San Marcos. Being young and stupid, my future husband, J, our friend, R, whose family's ranch it is, another friend and I decided after a night of partying, around 1:00 a.m. to head out to the ranch. Smart, huh? Anyway, I'll never forget how gracious R's parents were about being woken up by 4 goofy, slightly bleary eyed teenagers at 3:30 a.m. They got up, visited with us a while and then after about 30 minutes, the 4 of us crashed while they sat up fully awake. We awoke to the most wonderful morning smell in the world ~ bacon and coffee. Mrs. L. cooked for us all weekend, we swam in the river, oohed and ahhhed at the gorgeous scenery, and left 2 days later rejuvenated and ready for more partying, um, I mean classes and studying. (In our defense, our university, Southwest Texas State, now known as Texas State, was known as the premier partying school in Texas so we were just trying to keep up the image.)
Over the years, as young marrieds, as young parents with our babies, and now as young(ish)grandparents, we have visited the ranch more times than I can count. We've been so blessed to have this sanctuary as part of our and our children's lives. The moment you round the last curve in the rocky one lane "road", cross the shallow river, and see the lovely sprawling stone home on the rise, you just take a deep breath and say "aahhhhhh".
Sadly, Mrs. L. passed away about 4 years ago and Mr. L. retired to Oregon where his two sons live. With Mrs. L. gone, there are no longer flowers growing in the front courtyard or out on the large deck, and many of her beautiful things have been moved by the family to Oregon. That part is very sad to me; she was the epitome of a gracious hostess. That being said, you still feel her presence so much the minute you walk into the ranch house and I know that she would be SO pleased that her legacy of nurturing guests and providing indelible memories lives on!
The ranch is way off the beaten path, no internet service, no cell phone service (aaauuuugggghhhhhh!) so I'll be "unplugged" for a while. I am, however, looking forward to posting pictures and sharing new memories when we do return! Oh, by the way, I love summer :D
Thursday, June 11, 2009
It worked!
Hey ~ the photo posted! That was so easy. Oh...who is that unbelievably precious child you ask? My grandaughter!!! I'll need daughter-in-law's permission to use her name so for now ~ we'll call her babykins. She's 20 mos. old and so much fun. As I write this post, saying that she's my grandaughter, I still can't quite believe that I've added 'grandmother' to my list of roles in life. Something's just not quite right with this picture. You see, I'm just 17, with long straight hair, killer tan and flat tummy, (and to my great consternation flat chest, also), rocking out to Peter Frampton, washing my hair with Herbal Essence, and beset with a list of insecurities a mile long. Oh my gosh. I just glanced up from where I'm propped up in bed typing and saw my image in my dresser mirror. I truly am that aforementioned girl in my head only. Outward image confirms that I truly am grandmother material. Hhhmmmmm. I guess that's o.k. I mean, the hair and tummy would be great to have back but I don't miss the flat chest and insecurities AND I have my beautiful babykins! In summary, I may not be able to believe sometimes that I truly am 50 (yikes) yrs. old and a grandma, but I'm good with it. Clarification ~ I'm GREAT with it.
Random blogging questions
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
School's Out and Austin 300 Cafe
School has been out for the kids since last Thursday but us library ladies had to work extra days doing inventory, etc. Today was our last day!
To celebrate the end of the school year, the four of us went out for a lovely, leisurely lunch out in old town Katy, TX. yesterday. The restaurant is called Austin 300. Most Texans know (or should know!) that this refers to the original 300 settlers that came to stake claims in Texas under the leadership of Stephen F. Austin. The restaurant owner's ancestors were among these first settlers and in Texas, that's practically royalty!!
The restaurant is in a little old house that has been altered very little over the years. None of the walls have been knocked down so there are 3 separate little dining rooms. Very quaint and cozy. The room that we sat in must've been the front parlor because there was a door in it that looked to be the old front door. It was so cool; it reminded me of being in my grandparents' house in Arp, Texas.
Best of all ~ The food was yummy. I had broccoli cheese soup (had a little "kick" in it!), pasta salad and this really cool roasted turkey sandwich with wilted spinach salad on it, cheese, and a very unique, tasty dressing. Omigosh, it was sooooo good. It was super nice to eat out with my school chums :). Our lunches while school is in session are 30 minutes, if that, crowded around a little table in our back storeroom, and punctuated by LOTS of interruptions, so this luncheon was a very special treat and the perfect beginning to our summer. I'm so looking forward to having more time at home for the next couple of months and, hopefully, getting a little more control (ha ha) of things. Famous last words.
To celebrate the end of the school year, the four of us went out for a lovely, leisurely lunch out in old town Katy, TX. yesterday. The restaurant is called Austin 300. Most Texans know (or should know!) that this refers to the original 300 settlers that came to stake claims in Texas under the leadership of Stephen F. Austin. The restaurant owner's ancestors were among these first settlers and in Texas, that's practically royalty!!
The restaurant is in a little old house that has been altered very little over the years. None of the walls have been knocked down so there are 3 separate little dining rooms. Very quaint and cozy. The room that we sat in must've been the front parlor because there was a door in it that looked to be the old front door. It was so cool; it reminded me of being in my grandparents' house in Arp, Texas.
Best of all ~ The food was yummy. I had broccoli cheese soup (had a little "kick" in it!), pasta salad and this really cool roasted turkey sandwich with wilted spinach salad on it, cheese, and a very unique, tasty dressing. Omigosh, it was sooooo good. It was super nice to eat out with my school chums :). Our lunches while school is in session are 30 minutes, if that, crowded around a little table in our back storeroom, and punctuated by LOTS of interruptions, so this luncheon was a very special treat and the perfect beginning to our summer. I'm so looking forward to having more time at home for the next couple of months and, hopefully, getting a little more control (ha ha) of things. Famous last words.
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Lovin' summer #1
O.K., I decided to write about something HAPPY for a change cuz really, believe it or not, I'm a very happy, thankful person. It's just that sometimes when things are a little challenging, it's way too easy to get engulfed by negativity. OMIGOSH, here I am supposedly writing a positive, happy post and I'm talking about negativity. Enough already. Onward ~ on to happy, uplifting thoughts.
It's Saturday morning and I've just returned from a nice walk at the 1/4 mile track of our neighborhood elementary school. Such a sweet place to walk; in the middle of the track is the big playground equipment, baseball backstops, basketball court, benches, etc. and if I let myself, I can go back in time and envision all my sweet babies ~ son, B 23yrs.,daughter C 20yrs. and daughter M 14 yrs., at various ages and stages at the playground. Lovely, lovely memories. So I'm walking and it's 87degrees at 10:30 a.m. BUT (and this is a BIG but!), the humidity is only 38%!!!!! For Houston, in June, that is absolutely phenomonal. So, it's hot but there's a little breeze and if you step in the shade, you actually feel cooler.
I've got my IPOD going, of course, and today it's all about America, the band. When I walk in the middle of the day like this and it's hot, I love listening to "A Horse With No Name". I'm not in the suburbs of Houston anymore; I'm walking in a desert and it feels good to get out in the sun. There are certain songs that I only listen to in the summer and this is one of them. Some others are anything Peter Frampton, Santana, and Jump by Van Halen. I know, I really must broaden my music horizons some but you have to admit, 70's music was and is pretty darn awesome.
I've been exercising a bit more lately ~ swimsuits, bare arms...you know the deal. It always amazes me when I've actually been able to walk and work out with my little weights here at the house how much better I feel. Mostly what feels better is my mind, my outlook. What I think I've figured out is that when I do something as seemingly little as get out of the house and walk for a mile several times a week, or pick up a weight and do some curls while watching t.v., I know that that positive action that I took FOR ME is something that can't be taken away from me or be "undone". For example, think, dear sisters, ~ housework. In the space of a day, all the straightening that we've done the day before can be for naught and yes, the bathroom is shiny and clean today but in two days time, you'd want to freshen it up a bit if company came over. (At least I would, cuz the girls' bathroom is, unfortunately, the guest bathroom). Don't even get me started on cooking and the kitchen. Get caught up on bills and paperwork, let it go for 2 or 3 days and there you are, sitting at the desk again, trying to get back to square 1 and don't even get me started on groceries, cooking, and the kitchen! BUT, a couple of days after exercising, that benefit is still there, and if you do it again then you're building on what was there before, not just catching up to where it ought to be, only to see it slowly come "undone" again.
So, there you go, this is but one component of my current happiness ~ the walk was rejuvenating because of just being outside, feeling the dry breeze, and reveling in God's creation; but, to feel these 50 year old muscles actually being USED, not atrophying, that's good stuff. And, oh yeah, anything to diminish the loathed "muffin top" and firm up the not so firm butt is definitely reason to be happy!! :)
It's Saturday morning and I've just returned from a nice walk at the 1/4 mile track of our neighborhood elementary school. Such a sweet place to walk; in the middle of the track is the big playground equipment, baseball backstops, basketball court, benches, etc. and if I let myself, I can go back in time and envision all my sweet babies ~ son, B 23yrs.,daughter C 20yrs. and daughter M 14 yrs., at various ages and stages at the playground. Lovely, lovely memories. So I'm walking and it's 87degrees at 10:30 a.m. BUT (and this is a BIG but!), the humidity is only 38%!!!!! For Houston, in June, that is absolutely phenomonal. So, it's hot but there's a little breeze and if you step in the shade, you actually feel cooler.
I've got my IPOD going, of course, and today it's all about America, the band. When I walk in the middle of the day like this and it's hot, I love listening to "A Horse With No Name". I'm not in the suburbs of Houston anymore; I'm walking in a desert and it feels good to get out in the sun. There are certain songs that I only listen to in the summer and this is one of them. Some others are anything Peter Frampton, Santana, and Jump by Van Halen. I know, I really must broaden my music horizons some but you have to admit, 70's music was and is pretty darn awesome.
I've been exercising a bit more lately ~ swimsuits, bare arms...you know the deal. It always amazes me when I've actually been able to walk and work out with my little weights here at the house how much better I feel. Mostly what feels better is my mind, my outlook. What I think I've figured out is that when I do something as seemingly little as get out of the house and walk for a mile several times a week, or pick up a weight and do some curls while watching t.v., I know that that positive action that I took FOR ME is something that can't be taken away from me or be "undone". For example, think, dear sisters, ~ housework. In the space of a day, all the straightening that we've done the day before can be for naught and yes, the bathroom is shiny and clean today but in two days time, you'd want to freshen it up a bit if company came over. (At least I would, cuz the girls' bathroom is, unfortunately, the guest bathroom). Don't even get me started on cooking and the kitchen. Get caught up on bills and paperwork, let it go for 2 or 3 days and there you are, sitting at the desk again, trying to get back to square 1 and don't even get me started on groceries, cooking, and the kitchen! BUT, a couple of days after exercising, that benefit is still there, and if you do it again then you're building on what was there before, not just catching up to where it ought to be, only to see it slowly come "undone" again.
So, there you go, this is but one component of my current happiness ~ the walk was rejuvenating because of just being outside, feeling the dry breeze, and reveling in God's creation; but, to feel these 50 year old muscles actually being USED, not atrophying, that's good stuff. And, oh yeah, anything to diminish the loathed "muffin top" and firm up the not so firm butt is definitely reason to be happy!! :)
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
same song, millionth verse
No surprise at all but still disheartening. It's happened AGAIN. The day has slipped away and what I wanted to accomplish to help me feel more in control, make progress, etc. of COURSE hasn't happened. It wouldn't be so frustrating but, seriously, it's the story of my life. I know, I know. Kids are relatively healthy, husband loves me, I have my health, house isn't flooded, blah, blah, blah. But still ~ this kind of feeling day after day after day can really start to wear you down, piss you off and make you feel kinda bitter. I just wanted to balance my checkbook, right? After I do that, I then know that I'm working with exactly the right amount and unfortunately any little mistake of a few hundred $ makes a difference, especially now. So, here's my sob story: 6:50 take M to school, stop off at pharmacy on way home to p/u medicine, problem, of course, and have to wait, home to eat b-fast, start on statement but saw notes to self that I keep putting off, make those phone calls and gosh!! Time for chiro. appt., had to do ultrasound and other thingys separately so took longer, home, kitchen depressingly dirty so clean it, sit down to do stmt., one of the "duty" calls I made earlier calls back & chat for a bit, go with hubby to drop off truck with broken horn, back home, make time for lunch & conversation with hubby since I'm starting to feel frustration from him creeping in, M calls from school hysterical cuz I forgot to e-mail teacher with project questions and now she's got a zero, hang, up e-mail teacher as well as counselor after agonizing over verbage, FINALLY finish reconciling bank stmt. to checkbook only to find that they don't balance, time to go p/u M, take papers with me to work on while waiting in the p/u line, M sulks all the way home due to forgotten e-mail, back home to go thru stmt. item by item to find problem, and now...you guessed it ~ I'm doing this!! Hhmmmm, maybe some of it's in my control, after all. Nah, it's all someone else's fault, definitely not mine and besides, like Scarlett O'Hara says "Tomorrow is another day."
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