Tuesday, June 23, 2009

enough warm and fuzzies

O.K., back to reality with a resounding thud. The only bad part about taking a trip right after school's end is that you never get to feel that lazy, got the whole summer in front of you feeling cuz you've got lists and packing and errands. Unfortunately, we're now back and it's fast and furious on to the next event, which is my sister coming in from Georgia with her two boys. I am ECSTATIC about seeing them and can't wait to spend so much time with them. I just wish I was where I need to be right now as far as organization, errand-running, dr. appt. going, bill paying, house cleaning, etc. goes. You know where I'm coming from, right? We got back Sat. night and Sunday was not only Father's Day but hubby's b-day as well. Soooooo, it wasn't exactly do whatever I want day, now was it? Then yesterday was another vacation day for hubby which turned out great because we spent the day out together shopping for a couple of things for his b-day, had a really nice lunch out, and so on. HowEVER, you got it ~ yet another day where I not only didn't do what I want, but couldn't do what I needed to do which was to begin to instill some kind of order into this post-vacation house. Sooooooo, now it's Tues. morning, he's working, and I can now get down to business and make some serious progress, right? Well, not quite. M's 3rd shot in her gardisil series is at 10:00 at Memorial City Prof. bldg., J's prescription needs to be picked up at dr.'s ofc in Sugarland, and I have got to get back in to see Dr. Joe, my wonderful chiropractor. I know, I could be doing something productive instead of griping about all of this, right? Well, my hope is this: that after getting these frustrations out there for the whole entire world to see (yeah, right ~ my own family doesn't want to hear it, why in the world would some poor person who doesn't have to listen to me, read this? well, that's the beauty of blogging ~ you can convince your poor demented mind that someone, somewhere, is not only reading your whiny little thoughts but is actually paying attention and...empathizing!!) that I'll feel more empowered, more relieved of irritation, and more ready to make progress, which at this stage of the game would make this little old blogger so much happier. I'm also going to do little "breath" prayers today. I think I'll pray "God, please help me to do your will today and remove this anxiety from me." There. I'm going to write this down on a post-it, stick it in my purse pocket and try to say it at least 20 times today. I need to get my focus off of me, that's for sure. Must go now and maybe, God willing, I'll be better later on today whether I get what I think I need to get done or not. I'll letcha know!


  1. Hope you got it all done. I know that feeling soooo well, lol. We do listen, and we do empathize. Have a great time with your family.

  2. Claire ~ thank you for your sweet, empathetic (lol), comment. I got most of it done, and am now tackling taxes that should've been mailed off in april!
