Sunday, July 12, 2009

hopes for this week

Absolutely sick of triple digit heat. It just drains me and makes me super irritable. Not good for someone who feels like they're on the brink of irritability most of the time these days.
Dad's got two dr. appts. tomorrow that we'll be going to. The first one is the neurologist; I don't think there are any major developments (small insert here ~ just spotted a gigantic tree roach gallopping across carpet and successfully smushed him with flip-flop, those creatures are yet another gross thing about summers in Houston) but there are certainly no improvements to speak of, either.
Then it's on to the eye dr. to see why ever since he's gotten his new glasses, he hasn't been able to see as well. I'll have to ask the neuro. if maybe eye problems could be due to a "mini" stroke that may have occurred.
Anyway, that will take up most of the day on Monday. Crummy way to start the week. It's just depressing and, of course, time consuming. I really hope that Oh crap - roach didn't die!!!!!!!!!
Well, I can't find him and am quasi-phobic about those creatures. Forget planning the week, I'm just going to sit here and type while looking into that corner. Maybe what I saw was, like, his death dance and he's well and truly dead now. omigosh those things are worse than disgusting.
Hubby put chemicals out today all over the yard for ants and fleas (doncha just wanna pack up and move to Houston?!) so this guy must be seeking refuge. Ha. Fat chance.
I'm so mad! I came out to living room to curl up on the sofa with my glass of iced tea next to me (yes, even tho it's late, it's my "treat"), my cozy throw over my legs, dog snoring lightly, prepared to IT'S O.K. --- I JUST TOTALLY KILLED HIM. I used Hubby's Teva this time. Said Teva will stay on top on dead roach til morning when I'll get him to clean it up for me.
O.K., I'm done. I'm not going to edit this blog or anything, just hit publish and be done with it.


  1. The heat is totally killing me too... I am seriously contemplating going out into the street to do a rain dance... or SOMETHING! haha! :)

  2. luvvv the Texas heat,, I hatttteee winter. Get you a 2x4 for that danged bug

  3. Rachael ~ if I thought it'd work, I'd be out in the street stompin and chantin in a heartbeat!lol

    glnroz ~ thanks for droppin in. I would annihilate those critters if it was up to me. Give me a snake any day, just no bleepin roaches!

  4. Ok I so do not want to know what the bug is, sounds gross. I admit to not doing heat very well. Cornwall is plenty hot enough thank you, and very wet (Forks UK !!).
    Hope all goes well with the docs.
