Sunday, July 5, 2009

nothing sweet about it and other random thoughts

You know Shakespeare's famous quote...parting is such sweet sorrow? I've said goodbye to my sister today and there's nothing sweet about it. She and the boys have been here for over a week now and now that they've gone, it's back to reality. Back to face all the things that i've let slide, such as: bills, dr. appts., phone calls, laundry, errands. As Snoopy so famously puts it ~ bleeuuchh. Or something like that.

1st random thought: why, when I follow someone's blog, does my profile picture show up as a silhouette instead of the pic that actually shows up on my profile? Also, when you click on that silhouette, my name appears, Denise McAndrews, instead of my cute blog pseudonym (sp?), Jeriden? Even wierder, I followed myself just to see how it all worked and, lo and behold, my regular profile picture showed up, instead of the depressing silhouette. hhhmmm, as hubby likes to say ~ a real head scratcher.

2nd random thought: Jeriden comes from..... Jeri Denise. I'm one of those people whose parents named them knowing full well that they would never go by their actual first name. I grew up hating the sound of "Jeri" basically because if someone called me that, that meant that they didn't know me, and it was probably a teacher or something, AND since I was painfully shy, I probably wouldn't correct them and tell them that I went by my middle name. I certainly don't mind it now, and have learned to love being called "Jeri" because well, just because. Because it's who I am, I guess, and my sweet parents named me that and because when my mom was drifting in and out of consciousness before she died, she didn't ask for Denise, she asked for Jeri Denise and that puts a whole new light on the previously disliked first name, ya know?

3rd and final random thought: I'm so impressed that I figured out how to put a flickr badge on my blog. I don't know that I'll do much with flickr but I think the little blinky badge is adorable!


  1. No idea about flicker, or the pic problem, goes right over my head.

    I tried very hard to get people to call me by my middle name, no one would, so I'm stuck with Claire, ho hum.
